I gradually recalled what was going on the night before; the hurricane was approaching the Gulf area, lots of people were evacuating from that area, the hotel was occupied by many evacuee-like guests, and a group of people entered the room next door at midnight before the phone rang…… Most probably, the young woman was a family member from the Gulf region. I was ashamed of myself for having decided that she lacked common sense. When I saw it all clearly, my mind was freed. And I realized myself now worrying about and praying for the victims of the hurricane.
We react based on our own interpretation. By clearing our views and building our capacity to recognize everything as it is, we are able to see the beautiful nature of every being, and consequently peace, compassion, and dedication are revealed within ourselves. This is the meaning of awakening to the truth of the universe. Everyone has buddha-nature, most beautiful nature and also potential of awakening. Awakening to the truth of universe is assured to everyone in the Lotus Sutra.
The midnight phone brought me awakening.
Shoko Mizutani