The Buddhist Center - RKINA (Rissho Kosei-kai International of North America) was iaugurated on April 8th, the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha, in the city of Irvine, Orange County, CA.. I would like to share with you a vow I made at the enshrinement service of the Buddhist Center.
[Vow at the Enshrinement Ceremony ]
Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, Founder Niwano, and President Niwano,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all your teachings, support, guidance, and your presence at each and every moment.
Today is the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha. On this joyful day, we have enshrined the image of the Buddha, here at the Buddhist Center -RKINA. I am filled with great joy and gratitude.
I hear you profoundly proclaiming to us,“Now I entrust it to you. Do you receive and keep, read and recite, and proclaim this Law abroad that all living beings universally may hear and know it.” (Chapter 22, “ The Final Commission”, the Threefold Lotus Sutra)
We all here respond in unison, “Yes, we receive and keep, read and recite, and share the Lotus Sutra teaching, the guidance of Founder Niwano, the spirit of Ekayana Buddhism, with all people here in this country.
From the enlightened eyes, we are able to feel and see your work at every moment to help reveal buddha-nature of all beings and to bring peace to everywhere. Because of the illusion and attachment, however, we see, think and act in our own way, and mess up our own mind, relationship, and society where we live. It is important, therefore, to walk the bodhisattva way, so that we can see, think, and act in a more enlightened way and we are able to connect to your life.
I would like to vow today to joyfully promote the work of RKINA, so that opportunities to study and practice the teachings of the Lotus Sutra (Ekayana Buddhism) are more widely open in this society,
more centers and groups of Rissho Kosei-kai will develop in the US,
and more positive energy will be generated and be extended to all over the world.
Thank you very much for your continued guidance and presence.
In Gassho
Shoko Mizutani
Please join us for a cup of tea and nourishment for your soul at the Buddhist Center -RKINA.
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